Thursday, April 24, 2014


F@nt0m Seducer  2005  -  Somewhere in a small eastern European city the dark forces of frustrated lust are given a demonic form - an evil destroyer is unleashed among the city's most beautiful and successful women, releasing in them the full force of their most secret and perverted desires and he's aiming to destroy them with lust. Who is behind the ferocious hellfire of sexual sin that is... the F@nt0m Seducer?                                     



hold your breath 2012  -  There is an old wives' tale that you should hold your breath when passing by a cemetery lest an evil spirit rejected by both heaven and hell gets inside of you when you inhale. A group of friends on a weekend camping trip find themselves being picked off one by one when one member of the group refuses to abide by the urban myth that you can breathe in evil spirits when passing cemeteries. One by one, they are taken over by the evil spirit. - the soul jumps whenever someone is hit hard enough to get winded, so while there's almost never any mystery as to who is currently possessed (we usually see the "soul" transferring). Plus it creates drama; someone might be possessed but never get a chance to kill, only be a jerk, so when they're not possessed anymore the others are still kind of angry at them.                                


The CLICK - "Body Beautiful" Gym is ongoing some cash flow problems. In order to prevent it from going broke, and losing their jobs, two employees plan to use the "click" device (if you haven't seen any other episode in this series: some sort of remote control that "turns on" the one who is pointed at) to make things a little bit hotter, to promote the place.